Pickard Ultra White Georgian Platinum Dinner Plate



  • Pickard China is dishwasher safe for all residential grade dishwashers. 
  • Never use lemon or citrus based dishwashing powders or liquids.
  • Any Pickard pattern or custom design that is decorated with gold or platinum is NOT safe for the use in a microwave oven. 
  • When storing Pickard China in a stack, always make sure there is a protect layer (can be a paper towel) between the items. 
  • If your Pickard China has hard water spotting, fingerprints or other markings, we recommend using a product such as soft scrub and a soft towel. Gently rub the towel and cleaning solution over the area that needs to be cleaned. Always thoroughly was your Pickard China after using any cleaning products such as soft scrub.  




Pickard China is safe for use as determined by the Federal Food & Drug Administration compliance guidelines.  It is recommended that acidic foods and beverages such as tomato paste and citrus juices never be stored in any ceramic container for an extended period of time.